Searching for Truth
The Power Of Godliness Is Manifest (continued)
As I lay in bed pondering ordinances and yesterday’s clues, I wondered how I might share these things with my LDS brethren. I thought that a “lesson plan” might be constructed this way. Note: this is purely hypothetical. Write two columns on the board, with 10 rows per column with the title “Miracles.” Ask for > > Read More …
The Power Of Godliness Is Manifest
I have heard this quoted so many times. I don’t think I have ever understood it. Using the contrapositive of D&C 84:20-21 we have: if the power of godliness is manifest, then there must have been ordinances and priesthood authority. How does that work? For example, if a young boy exercises faith sufficient to see > > Read More …
Spiritual DNA
For reasons that will be readily be understood by some, I publish this post that was drafted on July 8, 2016, but never finished. Like so many different things, I never finished this or even shared it at the insistence of someone close to me. In addition to some of the questions below, I add, > > Read More …
On Friday 3/9/18, Joel Elgee called to see if he could bring a couple from Houston TX by to see the house. Since we were cleaning it up for pictures, it was a no-brainer. They came on Saturday morning for a very brief visit. They saw a number of homes. Later that day, I left > > Read More …
Oh Brother (John), Where Art Thou?
I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them. Okay. I get it. The point is faith. The Lord could > > Read More …
Clothing Our Nakedness (1)
While pondering and studying the idea of nakedness as a symbol, and covering ourselves with the atonement of Christ (e.g., Adam and Eve receiving a covering through the sacrifice of an animal), I came across a set of scriptures that include a principle that I have never heard taught that challenges my entire thinking regarding > > Read More …
It Used To Be A Cute Little Thing
Each day that goes on seems to push me one step closer to removing myself from the internet entirely. This week, that includes learning that Google, Microsoft, GoDaddy (which hosts this site), and others are tracking keystrokes and mouse movements; that my personal information was hacked at another site; and that my Health Insurance is > > Read More …
Drinks, But Wakes Up Faint
7 And the nations amassed to fight against Ariel,all who congregate at her stronghold to distress her, shall be as a dream seen in the night: 8 like a hungry man who dreams he eats, but awakens famished,or like a thirsty man who dreams he drinks, but wakes up faint and craving. So shall be > > Read More …
Hidden in Plain Sight
I would like to retell a little story, while doing so, I will highlight a number of words/ideas that tie closely to the last day(s) of Jesus’ “mortal” life. If you are like me, you will wonder how it is that you have missed this all these years. A Father sent out his Son to cross the > > Read More …
Chasing Zion
Let us presume that we live in the Telestial. Let us presume that Zion is equivalent to the Terrestrial. Let us presume that “the path” leads from Telestial, to Terrestrial, to Celestial. So, we want the Terrestrial/Zion because it is the next step? Okay. But, is the path from the Terrestrial to the Celestial through the > > Read More …